Data Protection Representative in the EU/EEA, UK, and Switzerland

DataRep/DataRep UK and Dovico Software Inc.

As a Canadian-incorporated company, Article 27 of the GDPR and the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) require us to appoint a Data Protection Representative in the EU/EEA, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland.

Dovico Software Inc. has appointed DataRep as our Data Protection Representative in the European Union/EEA, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland.

DataRep has locations in each of the EU member states, the European Economic Area (EEA) states, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland.

To exercise your rights in respect of your personal data under the GDPR, UK GDPR, or FADP, you may do so by:

  1. Contacting DataRep via their online webform at, quoting “Dovico Software Inc.” in the subject line.
  2. Mailing your inquiry to DataRep at the address listed below, or contact Dovico Software for the local address applicable to your country of business. Please note that addresses are not posted for privacy purposes but are available for each of the EU member states, the European Economic Area (EEA) states, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland.

If you have any concerns about how DataRep will handle the personal data required to undertake their services, please refer to their privacy notice at

Contact information:
 United Kingdom (UK GDPR)
 107-111 Fleet Street,
 EC4A 2AB, London, United Kingdom

 Belgium (EU/EEA GDPR, Switzerland FADP)
 Place de L'Université 16, Louvain-La-Neuve,
 Waals Brabant, 1348, Belgium