Break down projects into reusable tasks and monitor project health with summaries and alerts.
Does your team know which projects and tasks they should be working on? Are they overwhelmed when faced with a big project, not knowing what to do first? Are the right resources attached to the wrong project? Start getting stuff done and gain realtime insight into your projects by eliminating these issues and working smarter.
The Project Creation view is built to give you the control you may need by assigning your resources to the project.
Project EstimatesKeeping track of estimates can be a tough task in itself. In Dovico, you can set a budget of hours that a project or individual task assignment are expected to require to finish.
Employee AssignmentsWho does what and where? Assign employees to tasks and projects to allow the ability to strictly define costing and billing as well as budgeting for any particular project. With directed employee assignments, you can be sure that every ounce of time is correctly accounted for.
Tasks Drag & Drop (sub-tasks)Let the task list flow with the way you work. Move your tasks around in the order you need them to appear on the timesheet by dragging and dropping them in the correct order. You can even drag and drop tasks under parent tasks to create sub-tasks.
Project SummaryNeed to know the health of a project at a moment's glance? Our Project Summary screen gives you the status of a project in real time. View, group, sort and export time and costs on any project. With Project Summary, you can quickly determine which projects need attention and which ones are on time and on budget.
Unlimited Projects & TasksGot a lot of projects and tasks? I mean do you have A LOT of them? No worries! All Dovico plans include unlimited projects, tasks, client accounts and time entries.
Custom FieldsNeed a way to capture information that is special to your business need? With Custom Fields, you can add unique customized data fields to tasks, employees, projects and time entries. They can be numerical, text or even select fields.
Custom TerminologyEvery business has a different way of naming things; it is what makes us unique! Within Dovico, you can apply your custom terminology that renames the common entities within the software. For example, you can rename “project” to “entity” and “task” to “work order.” That way, you will never see the word “project” within the software. Instead, you will see “entity.” This terminology change customizes your Dovico Timesheet experience.
Project AlertsAs a project progresses along, it can sometimes take on a life of its own. Keep yourself in the know with Project Alerts! You set up the threshold of a project to be alerted on and once a day our system will check to see if those targets are met. If so, you will get a message in your inbox. This automated message system keeps you informed on problem areas yet eases your mind knowing that other projects are running on time and on budget.
Auto-Reminders & Notifications Up-to-date time and cost target alerts, time and expense entry and approval reminders, as well as critical reports, can be automatically emailed to various players within your organization. Keep things running smoothly with auto-reminding email notifications and keep the mind-numbing reminders out of your daily routine and let Dovico do the heavy lifting.
Audit TrailNeed a little help from the past? Dovico Timesheet’s auditing system tracks additions, changes or deletions of time entries, projects, tasks and just about every other item in the system. This crucial feature is a must if your company adheres to regulatory and quality control guidelines. The audit trail tracks who made what change and when. This behind-the-scenes audit system can be beneficial when recovering lost transactions and troubleshooting issues.
Bulk Time Move We all need some help with the heavy lifting from time to time! Let the bulk time move utility help you move time entries from one project to another or from one task to another or even from one project/task to another project/task. In one click, you can quickly move all time entries or filter based on project, task, employee and/or date.